Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Sleep

Oh, and by the way. Funny habit and trend I've noticed.

the flies come after the heaters are on. Even in midwinter. This assfuck shithead has yet to draw that very fucking basic conclusion. So, every night, he turns on the heat on his side of the room (no divider, it's really for the whole room). Those two degrees spawn flies and overheat me when I'm trying to sleep, ending up in me waking up to an incessant buzzing at five in the fucking morning.

Throughout the day, all day, he'll open the windows to let some air in. But fuck me for wanting to sleep.

Here's a tip, assfucker, if you're cold, buy a fucking blanket! Buy two! Buy a duvet. Buy something with feathers!


my new secret pleasure is cranking Marilyn Manson on his fundamentalist christian ass. No, not all christians are dicks and not all of you deserve it.

But fuck me in the ass if it isn't fun to watch him squirm out the side of my eye while Hugh Warner compares church attendance with fucking. Awesome.

I also bought Letter to a Christian Nation the other day. Next up, The God Delusion, The End of Faith, God is Not Great and Breaking the Spell. Fuck his bronze bleeding Jesus. Science fucking works.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hows your second year of college? Better roommate?